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Subsidized Child Care Providers

Subsidized Child Care Providers

Family Support Services, the local Alternative Payment program in San Diego and the Foster Bridge program are a parent choice program. Enrolled families can choose any licensed or exempt from licensing child care provider that best meets the educational and developmental needs of their child(ren). YMCA Childcare Resource Service pays the child care provider directly. 

How can I become a provider for subsidized child care?

  • Has all required documentation as listed on their enrollment packet.
  • Has reviewed the Program Guide.
  • Agrees to follow program rules and guidelines.
  • Providers must be at least 18 years old.
  • They can either be licensed or exempt from licensing.
  • Hours of operation must meet the family’s need for child care.

Stage 1 Providers

Stage 1 child care is for families that are currently receiving CalWORKs benefits and are participating in the Welfare-to-Work (WTW) program for children ages 0-12 years of age up to 21 with exceptional needs.

Stage 1 Providers are child care providers who care for children who are receiving Stage 1 benefits.

Initial Authorization Process

  1. Providers must first be referred by a parent.
  2. Parent completes all paperwork, and submits additional requested documentation.
  3. Child Care Provider who is already with YMCA, a 24-404 will need to be completed. (Note: Form should only be completed after participant has attended orientation). Child Care Provider who is not with YMCA will need to complete entire provider packet.
  4. Case is reassigned to new YMCA Case Manager within the same week intake orientation and all requested documentation is received.
  5. Child Care Provider will receive Notice of Action stating approval dates and will receive a phone call from YMCA Case Manager to confirm approval.
  6. Child Care Provider can print out attendance sheets from Care Portal 24 hours after care has been authorized. Authorization of childcare can take up to 30 days from application date.