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Community as Medicine Program

Equity-centered group health and wellness coaching

The Community as Medicine (CAM) program, developed by clinical psychologists and health coaching experts, offers trauma-informed, culturally-relevant health coaching. This program supports individuals in overcoming physical and mental health challenges, such as depression, diabetes and hypertension. The YMCA of San Diego County introduces CAM to help individuals with a wide range of chronic health conditions build healthy habits for life.

Participants receive human connection, coaching and education in areas of: 

  • Social Connection
  • Physical Activity
  • Healthy Nutrition
  • Stress Reduction

Clinical Benefits

The Community as Medicine program not only improves individual health outcomes but also provides key benefits for clinics:

  • Improves patient outcomes to meet quality and incentive-based metrics for chronic disease management.
  • Enables revenue generation through increased billing volume using a Group Medical Visit model.
  • Enhances provider experience, reducing burnout and restoring joy in healthcare.
  • Addresses access barriers for high-utilizing patients.

Real Results

Reduction in Blood Pressure19 points
Increase in Weekly Exercise51%
Increase in Daily Fruits/Veggies26%
Decrease in Social Isolation43%
Reduction in Depression Symptoms20%
Decrease in Emergency Visits77%

Clinical evidence shows that social connection, physical activity, nutrition and stress reduction directly improve health outcomes, reducing risks of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and depression.

Hear from the Experts

Steven Chen, MD, highlights the value of the Community as Medicine model:

“Community as Medicine provides a one-stop shop to amplify the effect of primary care to improve health outcomes, address social determinants of health like social isolation, and improve patient and provider experience” (Chen, n.d.).

Let’s Partner for Excellent Care

Contact Jen Sedeno at for partnership opportunities with Be There San Diego.
For more information on the Community as Medicine model and clinical outcomes, visit


  1. Chen, S. (n.d.). Community as Medicine™: Improving health outcomes through primary care. Recipe4Health.