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Child Care Initiative Project

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For New Providers

Do you love caring for children?
We’ll help you launch and grow your home-based child care business.

Help those who need you most.
Families need the flexible, dependable care you can provide. Change lives right inside your own home.

We’re here to support your success every step of the way.
Free services include virtual meetings, on-on-one visits, help with technology, and professional development. These supports cover a range of topics including:
•    Caring for Infants and Toddlers 
•    Child Development
•    Building Your Business
•    Marketing Strategies 
•    Health and Safety Training
•    Support Group Meetups
•    Licensing Assistance

Participants who complete program requirements may be eligible to receive a start-up incentive package that includes educational toys and child care and development publications. Incentives are dependent upon the availability of funding.

How do I become a licensed Family Child Care Provider?

•    Attend a Community Care Licensing (CCL) Orientation 
•    Complete 16 hours of basic health & safety training
•    Complete Mandated Child Abuse Reporter training
•    Submit a licensing application to CCL.
•    Obtain a criminal background check clearance.
•    Pass a CCL home inspection.

For existing providers

Grow your family child care program
We’ll support you with free training, resources, and community connections. 

Create your network. 
Connect with people like you, who understand the joys and challenges of running a family child care business. We’ll celebrate your successes and support you through challenging times. You’re already one of the most important people in a child’s life. Help even more families by growing your business. 
Start your family child care business in your home, call 1-800-481-2151 or email to learn more! 
The Child Care Law Center offers free resources and answers legal questions relating to child care. Contact them at 415-558-8005. 

Frequently asked questions

Who is eligible to participate? 
Anyone who’s interested in becoming a child care provider can contact our office to learn more. We enroll caregivers who want to become licensed as well as those who are already licensed and want to expand their business. We also support caregivers who are not licensed. 

Why should I become involved? 
Professional training helps you strengthen your home-based child care program and achieve your goals. Plus, you can connect with people like you, who understand the joys and challenges of running a home child care business. We’re here to celebrate your successes and support you through tough times. Providers who join us usually stick with it and grow thriving businesses. 

Are there any requirements once I sign up? 
Child care providers who decide to participate in the project have the opportunity to take useful and inspiring training sessions. There are different training requirements, depending on the level of participation.