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Transitional Housing

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Transitional Housing

For Young Adults in San Diego

At YMCA Youth and Family Services we believe all people should have a safe place to live, a reliable support system, a sense of purpose and connections to resources needed to flourish. Our Transitional Housing Department offers a safe and welcoming environment for homeless youth, foster youth and transition-age youth to support them in their transition to independence and self-sufficiency.

Each of our programs is dedicated to serving young adults in a manner that is knowledgeable and sensitive to their life circumstances. We provide a strengths-based, individualized approach to assist our resident young adults in reaching their personal goals.

An end to San Diego’s youth homelessness crisis is within reach, and we are proud to work toward a solution every day. In partnership with the California Coalition for Youth, we authored this paper, A Call to Action: Prevent and End Youth Homelessness in California, laying out the systems and services necessary to ensure a youth’s homelessness experience is brief, rare, and non-recurring. 

Services We Offer:

  • Furnished housing
  • On-site case management and support
  • Education and employment assistance
  • Development of independent living skills
  • Relational wellness and counseling services
  • Financial education and personal budgeting assistance
  • After-care support

For more information, please visit the housing option below that best suits your situation. 


Turning Point

Homeless Youth and Young Adults

Turning Point Transitional Living Program provides temporary housing and supportive services to young adults experiencing homelessness.

We also have a specialized location, Tommie’s Place, for those who are pregnant or parenting young children.

Learn More About Turning Point


LGBTQ Safe STAY Wellness Center

LGBTQ and Transition-Age Youth Facing Homelessness or Housing Instability

YMCA Youth & Family Services, in partnership with the San Diego LGBT Community Center and San Diego Youth Services provides bridge housing and supportive services for up to 6 months, allowing time to find permanent housing while prioritizing basic needs, mental health, case management, and referrals to community resources.

Learn More About LGBTQ Safe STAY Wellness Center


Housing Our Youth (HOY) Program

young adults up to the age of 24

The Housing Our Youth (HOY) program provides specialized assistance to youth and young adults up to and including the age of 24 years throughout San Diego County who are at-risk or experiencing homelessness. HOY services include housing, peer support, care coordination, service navigation, transportation, job preparation, subsidized employment, education assistance, tenant support, and other wrap-around services as needed to help youth remain stably housed and prepared for self-sufficiency. Learn more.



Current foster youth ages 18-21 (Non-Minor Dependents)

Do you live with a supportive adult and wish to remain with them? The host family model will provide a safe, stable environment that will support and nurture an existing relationship that you have with a caring, supportive adult. This is a housing program which is designed to support you and your relationship with your chosen HOST in a family-like setting.

To learn more, visit the HOST Housing page for more details.


Other Transitional Housing Programs

Some of the other programs we offer are Transitional Youth Housing (TYH), Transitional Housing Program Plus (THP+) and Transitional Housing Program Plus Foster Care (THP+FC). Each program is designed to support transition age youth by building independent living skills with a focus on goal attainment and emotional wellness.

Our Case Managers are equipped with extensive training of best practices involving transition age youth who work collaboratively with other community resources in order to connect youth to services available. We provide strengths-based, individualized approach to assist youth in reaching their personal goals.


What We Offer

  • Supportive on-site supervision
  • Intensive individualized case management
  • Skill building and social-emotional groups provided weekly
  • Furnished apartment
  • Subsidized rent
  • Employment and educational assistance
  • Financial development and personal budgeting
  • Ongoing independent living skills education
  • Relational wellness and therapeutic services
  • Aftercare support

Program Eligibility

We serve young adults ages 18-24 and youth previously under the jurisdiction of San Diego County Juvenile Court, who have aged out of foster care placement, former probation involved youth, and current non-minor dependents involved with California Child Welfare.


This website is supported by Grant Number 90CX7516 from the Family and Youth Services Bureau within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Family and Youth Services Bureau.